
Se afișează postări din decembrie, 2018

Training Experience in Denmark - second part - Media literacy: Critical thinking in youth work

This is the second article about my Training experience in Denmark, near Copenhagen. You can read the first one here . At the training project I have found awesome people from all around Europe, there were participants from 14 European countries.  The project days were structured very well, the time was always precious, so every moment was used to put our minds and ideas on work. We worked as teams, we worked individually as well through non-formal education methods. The accent was on team, because, we as individuals are a part o community. Part of our neighborhood, of our teams at job, part of our countries, and of course part of European Community.  We had group dynamics, games, workshops on different topics like: Media bias, Social representation definitions, Recognizing fallacies, Recognizing appeals on emotion, Text analysis workshop, Deconstructing images etc.  One of my favorite workshops was the one with visuals. We had images fro...

Training experience in Denmark - first part - On my way to the project

I always wanted to try something new, to see some new things, to meet new people all around the world – or Europe at least. This wish is still in progress on me. This year I had other two kind of similar experiences. You can read the article about the one on Vilnius, Lithuania here .  So, I’ve started searching the Internet for a new Erasmus+ experience. Social media gave me one like that in Denmark, somewhere near Copenhagen.  My first questions were… is Denmark a very cold country? This what I have heard. I will be able to carry on enough warm clothes in my luggage?   Critical thinking? Am I aware on this topic? I have started my travelling plans, but some of them have changed suddenly near departure time. Oh no, what I am gonna do now??? So, I had to work fast, again. Depending on people? Yes, it’s troublesome – but I managed it somehow.  I packed sufficient things on a suitcase, a backpack and a plastic bag with some brown bears and wor...

Prietena mea genială - Elena Ferrante

Ce repede trece timpul, e deja decembrie iar eu doar ce am terminat de citit Prietena mea genială de Elena Ferrante , primul volum din seria Tetralogia napolitană. Am văzut că recent a apărut un serial ce are cartea la bază, iar trailer-ul lui mi-a stârnit interesul, așa că am intrat pe librăria online Libris și am luat cartea.  Am citit foarte puține despre aceste volume, vreau să spun recenzii, probabil că nu mi-ar fi atras nici mie prea tare atenția dacă n-aș fi văzut trailer-ul ecranizării - recunosc - acesta m-a incitat în legătură cu cartea.  Sunt câteva detalii interesante despre Prietena mea genială, încep așa: 1. Eroina are numele autoarei - nu este volum biografic. 2. Autoarea scrie sub pseudonim. 3. L-au ecranizat pentru HBO și abia aștept să văd serialul. Despre misterioasa autoare Elena Ferrante este pseudonimul literar al unei scriitoare de origine italiană, identitatea ei este secretă. Dacă asta nu o face misterioasă, nu știu ce o face. ...